How many calories do you burn with Ballet?

Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 429 kilocalories per hour with Ballet. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn with Ballet or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.


How many calories do you burn with Ballet?

Someone weighing 180 lbs burns approximately 429 kilocalories per hour with Ballet. Fill in the form and calculate how many calories you burn with Ballet or use our Calorie Calculator for other activities.

Ballet Calorie Calculator

Burned calories (KCAL)
with Ballet


You might not associate ballet with a method to burn calories but actually it is! Ballet demands great strength and discipline. If you follow a ballet class, you will most likely doing exercises that will challenge your endurance as much as any workout class.

The level of your ballet class and your weight have the most influence on the amount of calories burned during ballet. Ballet not only helps to burn some calories, it can also be loads of fun and a invigorating activity to help you reach your goals

Calories burned with Dancing (weight: 180 lbs)

MET 15 min. 30 min. 45 min. 60 min.
Ballet 5 107 214 321 429
Ballroom dancing 3.3 71 141 212 283
Break dancing 5.9 126 253 379 506
Country or Western dancing 4.8 103 206 309 411
Dancing 4.8 103 206 309 411
Folk dancing 4.8 103 206 309 411
Hip Hop dancing 5.8 124 249 373 497
Salsa dancing 4.0 86 171 257 343
Swing & Disco dancing 5.8 124 249 373 497
Tap dancing 4.6 99 197 296 394

How do we calculate the amount of calories burned with Ballet?

This calculation uses the MET value (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) of Ballet. The MET value of Ballet = 5. We multiply the MET value with the person\'s body weight in kilogram. Then we multiply this with 0.0175 and the duration in minutes.

A person weighs: 180 lbs
MET value of Ballet: 5
Time: 30 minutes
The calorie calculation for Ballet for 30 minutes is as follows:

(180/2.20462) * 5 * 0.0175 * 30 minutes = 214

30 minutes of Ballet burns 214 kcal.